Friday, May 8, 2009


I understand that blogs are blogs. Nothing serious, but what really fucking bugs me is that individuals that state that they are aspiring writers, majors in journalism, literature, or English are not able to put together a proper sentence or an idea that makes any fucking sense, or for that matter can't spell. There's a spell checker!!! No reason for misspellings. Now i 'm not a writer or pretend to have any good ideas or stories to write about, but those of you that are please, please, please use the spell checker!!! And articulate a proper fucking sentence.

Maybe I'm being so stinky because my arm just got jabbed by a needle at the hospital( blood tests). I'm a fragile human being and you would think that the nurse would have sympathy for my tinny little vein, but no!! She just slammed that needle into my precious little vein and held it there. I can see a bruise forming that will be a reminder of her unkindness for the next weak. Blah Blah Blah.. Poor me...


  1. You know, if this is directed towards me, I can see what you're saying on my updates list ;)

  2. no this was not directed towards you. i enjoy reading your blogs.
